Saturday, February 9, 2008

ALSA camp

ALSA ABAC provided a camp at Nakhonrachasima. At first the committees announced to members that there was a camp for training all of staffs who will be the staffs of Study trip event. This event will be provided at Thailand and ABAC also a host of this event. This event was very popular. Many people want to be staffs of this event so there was an interview for tested their abilities (a week before this camp began). After the committees announced the result of the interview, there were 40 persons who passed the interview (me too) and of course that they will be staffs of Study trip event. But before this event will begin, the committees want to train our skills so they provided this camp.

There were 40 persons who should pass this camp but there are 24 persons who came to join in this camp. But the committees did not worry about it because they predicted that this situation will occur. We left from the bus park (in front of the university) at 09.30 a.m. I sat with Cake and among my friends. In this group I knew everyone because there were 5 persons who came from my Eng II section, there were 18 persons from my Law section. There was only one person that I never learn with him but I already knew and talked with him so this camp was a friendly camp for me because I knew everyone and could talked with them.

We arrived at Nakhonrachasima at 01.30 p.m. We spent more time for our travel but we did not bored because we talked, sang and danced all the time, so we looked very tired when we arrived. Our bus did not go inside the camp because the street was very bad so we must go to camp by our feet (about 300-400 meters) so when we arrived at this camp, our faced looked more tired but we did not rest when we arrived because the committees told us that we were late, so we must continue next activities without rest time.

The first day (arrival day) there were many activities that the committees provided for us such as ice breaking. After that they ordered us to group the team by random (by count number 1-3, who count 1 must join in group 1) then we separated into 3 group. After that they ordered us to do a project which related with Law academic. When we heard that we confused about this camp because they told us that this camp was provided for training staffs for the Study trip event but why they ordered us to do like that. They told us that they wanted to practiced us to knew and could did all of processes of project because they hoped that we will be next committees, so we could not disputed anything and did the project followed their order. After we finished, we presented our project to them and they gave comments to us. My group did not do well because we could not arrange the processes well so we received a lot of comments to improve our project, so we were very serious.

The second day, they ordered us to repair our problems then my group could apply the comments and did it well so we were very happy. At night there was an election to choose next committees and I could win the votes and I will be head of coordinator of next committees. We came back to university in the next day morning with tired but it was very fun and useful camp.


phanphatchara said...

MR.Committee 555+

Congratulations na ja

Chompoonut881 said...

Best camp ever


Dollaporn881 said...

Congratulation NaJa

that you are the member of committee of ALSA now.

Finght for us Na.