Sunday, January 27, 2008

My time in airport

ALSA has many activities in each year. For example Study Trip, Forum, Conference, etc. these activities provide for every person who is member of ALSA in each country. If anyone wants to join or participate in these activities, they must pass many interviews to be delegates. I had a chance of it too. I went to forum trip in Korea (the first semester). But before I had this chance. I must tried a lot to get this chance despite I did not confident about myself. I must passed two round of interview for went to Korea. The first round I must passed the interview of committee of ALSA ABAC. The second round I must passed the interview of teacher and the president of ALSA ABAC (P’Mick). So I must try so much for got this chance and finally I could pass all of the interview and became a delegate of Thailand to go to forum in Korea.

About this trip when I went to airport, no one came to sent me to a plane because at that time I did not have close friends and my parent live far for me and it was very difficult if she wanted to come because my mom cannot drive, so I was a lonely boy. Not only me but also other delegates from Chulalongkorn University and Assumotion University. They did not have friends that came to sent them too (but their parents came)

This semester ALSA also had activity too. This trip was conference trip. This trip was provided at Malaysia. Of course it was a chance that I could receive too (if I can pass the interview) but I did not interest this trip because I heard that if who already went to other countries in delegate position. They will have less chance than other person if they want to go to next trip (actually it was not like that but at that time I did not know the fact) and at first I thought if I passed the interview alone, I will be a lonely boy again. So I did not join the interview but many of my friends came to interview. After that ALSA announce the result of interview. In the list, there are six freshmen and eight senior of ALSA ABAC (but when I want to Korea, there are only five seats for delegates of ABAC. Oh! A lot of difference). All of six freshmen that could passed the interview are my friends: Cake (very very very close friend), Bank (my roommate), Joy, Arm (junior), Arm (Afro) and Nick. So when I knew these names, I wanted to join with them too but it’s too late. I wanted to join with them because I thought I will not alone in this trip. When they went to airport, a lot people came to sent them because many of their parents came to sent them. I also came to airport because I came to sent Joy, Arm and especially Cake. When I saw many people came to airport, I felt slight but not much because I compared with my case.

I also went to airport again when they came back to Thailand. At first they told me that they will came back at 9.30 p.m. so I came to the airport since 9.oo p.m.and wait for them. But when 9.40 p.m. I did not see them then I looked at the arrive time board. Then there is the word “Delay” so it meant that I must wait for them again but I did not worry because I used this time to shopping at the airport but I did not went to shopping at brand name shop I went to “family mart”. And finally they came back at 1.30 p.m. Oh! It’s a long time but I did not worry because I thought I can use the time to observe the airport.


Tropical Penguin said...

Are u sure that u came to sent me and Arm at the airport? haha
I think u came because of "...." only laaaa

phanphatchara said...

Fill in the blank for JOY's Comment!

Just kiddin' na gae! 55+

Dollaporn881 said...


Papang, you are kiddin' really.

If I fill in the blank, I fill " main dishes". Na 555+