Sunday, January 13, 2008

Winner of public speaking

ALSA ABAC is the organization that provides for law students who want to improve their skill about knowledge and characteristic. ALSA has many main activities that every law students can joy such as Forum, Conference and Study Trip. These activities will upgrade the knowledge of delegates. Not only main activities which upgrade the knowledge but also sub activities that ALSA ABAC provides for develop members’ characteristics. ALSA ABAC provides these activities every year and this year ALSA provides activity name “Public Speaking” for develop members’ public speaking skill.

I am a committee of ALSA ABAC who did in MC position (MC again and again) I was chosen by P’ Mick the president of ALSA ABAC. I did not know why he chose me but I thought may be he knew that I used to do in this position (so it’s the reason why you see the story of MC in my blog again) so this duty did not make a lot of problem to me. I thought I could do it well. My partner in this position is Cake. We did together again (we used to do together in Youth Guide of Exhibition for The King) so it was very easy to communicate with her. But we had the biggest problem was this duty we did the first time in this university and we did not know anything (sequences, agenda, special guest, souvenirs, etc.) so we must had a senior who came to tutor us but no one came to help us because each one had many duties to do in each position so we must found by ourselves but we could found only agenda of this activities so we must prepared in our way and finally it finished before the activities began (30 minutes)

When the activities began, we could do well. Right place. Right sequences. Right persons and Right time but I thought it was not perfect because it was the first time of us. Some of audiences told us that we looked nervous and serious so we could not did this position in natural characteristic but almost audiences congratulation to us that we did well (actually Cake did better that me because I thought I was serious only but cake did not). When the morning part finished, we followed other committee to have lunch because it was easy, quick and FREE!!! (Especially the last reason) ^_^

When we came back to hall of fame for began the afternoon part, actually we must did n MC position again but P’ Mick told us that every freshmen must joined in this part. In this part every body must showed their public speaking ability by spoke followed a random topic that we did not know it before. I received the topic “Do you agree with death penalty?” Oh! It‘s very easy to me because I used to answer it in the first semester (A time to kill) so I could did my public speaking well and finally I took the first place of public speaking competition and receive 5oo baht and books from special quests. (But I used this money to pay my bill in the evening. Oh! Very short time income)

1 comment:

Jasper said...

Master of Ceremony again Chingtong... You must be a popular guy! ;-) Well, it will certainly help you in the future. All lawyers and Judges need to be good public speakers after all