Saturday, December 15, 2007

The second round of interview to be MC

When I heard from the committees of interview to be MC of Word Debate Championship 2007 that I passed the first round of interview. It meant that I must prepared and practiced myself again and of course that I must practiced for the second round more than the first round. Normally when I knew I passed some interviews and knew that there are other round which I must passed, I will prepare myself for next round for a long time but this round of interview I had a little time to prepared my script and myself because the committees told me about the next round of interview a day before interview day. Oh! I had only on day to prepare my script despite this round is very difficult. How I did it well?

This condition of this round was changed. The committees told me that this round I could not pick the case that I wanted. They told me that I must prepared every parts of this event because they will random the case to us. (I could picked the part that I wanted in the first round but this round I could not) it meant that I must prepare a lot of detail of this event. Oh! Only one day with all of detail of this event so I knew that I could not passed this round sure.

Actually I should had more time to prepare myself but the committees could not contact me because at that time I still worked in the exhibition for the king so I knew about the next round of interview later that other people and it’s the reason that why I had a little time to prepare myself.

When the interview day came, I went to the interview place without my self confident because I thought that I could not passed this round sure. At first I thought I will not come to interview but I came because I wanted to show my spirit and wanted to show that I did not avoid the problems (despite I did not confident). When the committees came, they random a partner to me. Her name is Pang. She is a pretty girl and older than me. I knew her because she was a member of AP club too but I could not prepared my script with her because she went to take her exam and will came back in the afternoon so we have to interview the last group. Arrr… I was very worry because the committees told me that “More chance to prepare more emergency case that I must face” they said that I was a last group so I had more time than other group (oh! they did not know the fact)

Finally pang came so we began the interview. The committees selected Woman night part to us. Oh! No! Woman night how I could did it? I am not a woman and I did not have any information of this part but Pang told me that she could did it in Thai version so I must followed her and translated information to English version (despite I a very weak for my English skill) when we presented, the committees gave emergency case to us about 6 cases (a lot) but we could did it. I did not know the result of it but I thought we did it well.

1 comment:

Jasper said...

Mc of the Word (or World?) Debate Championship 2007. Have you been accepted by now? Or do you have to do a third interview?