Monday, February 4, 2008

ALSA meeting

ALSA ABAC provides meeting every month because they want to announce news to the members and also make good relations between members. This month ALSA provided a meeting because there are special event that Japanese law students will come to Thailand for participate in Study Trip event that ALSA ABAC is the host. So this meeting provided for announced this news and found the members who want to be committees of this event.

I am a committee of this meeting so I must come to prepare my job very early but in this event I did not have a lot of works because I am still freshmen, so I must learn from my senior in ALSA. This meeting was provided at Selle d’expo room because we thought that there are many people who want to joy with us so we must used very large room for our meeting.

In the schedule, our meeting will begin at 9.00 a.m. but we told everyone that it will begin at 8.00 a.m. because we did not want anyone came late. I came to this room at 7.00 a.m. because all of committees must came to prepare before the meeting began. When we finished our preparation such as ice-breaking activities, impressive photo from Malaysia, etc. then I looked at my watch, it was 8 o’clock. So we must went to in front of the room for waited other person who wanted to join with us. Thirty minutes left. An hour left. It was 9 o’clock, it was a beginning time follow the schedule but when I looked in the room. Oh! There are only 3 persons who came to join with us. What happen with this activity? This activity’s sound very exciting but why there were a few people who participated in this event. So we could do only one thing. Just waited and waited. We could not do anymore.

When it was 10 o’clock, there were 22 people who came to participated with us (actually there were 40 person who wanted to join with us) but we must began the activity because it’s very late. We deleted ice-breaking out from our schedule because we did not have time to do it. So we began with other activities.

After everyone went inside the room. P’Mick, the president of ALSA came to greet with us and he began to introduce ALSA ABAC profiles. After that he told us to divide into group and he gave topic to us for discussed. The topic was “Do you agree with Death penalty”. Wow! This topic was very easy to me because I already discussed this topic since I learnt in the first semester, so I should showed my opinion very well. But at that time I had some problems with my close friend so I could not focus to my job then I could not do my job well.

After we finished the discussion, P’Mick began to tell about Study Trip event. He told everything that freshmen of this club should know. Next he ordered me to share my experiences to my friends (he did not told me before). Oh! How could I do. I thought I could not do it well but could not avoid this duty so I spoke like a robot. No smile, no laugh and no one understand! I thought I did very bad performance but P’Mick did not blame me because he knew about my problems. After that I could clear my problem and did other parts well.

1 comment:

phanphatchara said...

i have got a nice voice la si!

Cheers to you na, you did a grrrreat job, BUDDY!