Saturday, February 9, 2008

My preparation for Valentine Day

Valentine day was not an important day since I was born because I never have a girlfriend. So when February 14 of every year come, I will ignore and do everything same ordinary day because I do not have to give some roses to my girlfriend, I do not have to bring my girlfriend to a cinema so my life is simple in this day. BUT!!! This year will different because I have a plan!

Actually I do not have a girlfriend now but I did not prepare this plan for my girlfriend. I prepared this plan for my very close friend (of course a girl). Her name is Cake. Actually she did not my girlfriend but who will know the future? I know that the future is unsure so I will do everything that I feel good and of course this plan too.

At first I must know that what does she want? But I did not know about it so I called to her close friend (also mine too) I called to her because I thought that may be she know that what does Cake want. But she unsure about it because Cake did not tell her about it, but she told me that “if you want to give something to someone, you should not care about value or liking of receiver but you must care that you want to give or not” when I heard she told like that then I decided to plan with myself but I asked something from her such as Cake’s favorite color. After I already planned, I went to shopping for bought everything that I wanted to use in my plan.

I went to Central Ladpraow at 03.00 p.m. (I had some classes in the morning). I spent my time at that place about 6 hours for found everything that I wanted but I could not find a main gift for my plan (actually I planned all of the process but I did not planned about the gift) so I must spent my time to find it, but I could not found anything that fit for my plan. I just found only accessory part of my plan: Card, Heart candle and necklace. I spent 6 hours to find all of it: 2 for card, 1 for heart candle and 3 for necklace. I spent 2 hours for card because I wanted the most beautiful and pretty card, but finally I could not chose the one because there were 2 cards that I liked. Both of them were very beautiful and pretty. I did not know that which card more beautiful than and what card Cake prefers. So I bought both of them because I will bring it to my friends who can help me to choose one.

I spent 3 hours to find the necklace because I tried to find which one that I liked and thought that Cake will like too. So I walked in the first floor to the last floor but I could not find the best but when I will came back to the university then I saw a necklace that I wanted so I went to buy it suddenly. It’s cost about 650 baht. It seems too expensive but I liked it.

After I could not find main gift then I decided to buy roses to her because I knew that she likes roses. I went to order at the shop in front of Ramkumhang University and told them to send to me at valentine day. I will tell all of the processes to you. When valentine day come, I will go to see her (after Eng II class finish) and bring her to see a movie by sat on love seat of the cinema. We will see a romantic movie. After that I will bring her to the place that she wants. After that I will bring her to the room among heart candles and play guitar with the song that I do for her (from myself) I will give a card to her and finally I will give her a necklace and roses. And that is all of my plan and preparation. Now I can do only one thing, just wait and wait for valentine day and my plan will begin!!!

ALSA camp

ALSA ABAC provided a camp at Nakhonrachasima. At first the committees announced to members that there was a camp for training all of staffs who will be the staffs of Study trip event. This event will be provided at Thailand and ABAC also a host of this event. This event was very popular. Many people want to be staffs of this event so there was an interview for tested their abilities (a week before this camp began). After the committees announced the result of the interview, there were 40 persons who passed the interview (me too) and of course that they will be staffs of Study trip event. But before this event will begin, the committees want to train our skills so they provided this camp.

There were 40 persons who should pass this camp but there are 24 persons who came to join in this camp. But the committees did not worry about it because they predicted that this situation will occur. We left from the bus park (in front of the university) at 09.30 a.m. I sat with Cake and among my friends. In this group I knew everyone because there were 5 persons who came from my Eng II section, there were 18 persons from my Law section. There was only one person that I never learn with him but I already knew and talked with him so this camp was a friendly camp for me because I knew everyone and could talked with them.

We arrived at Nakhonrachasima at 01.30 p.m. We spent more time for our travel but we did not bored because we talked, sang and danced all the time, so we looked very tired when we arrived. Our bus did not go inside the camp because the street was very bad so we must go to camp by our feet (about 300-400 meters) so when we arrived at this camp, our faced looked more tired but we did not rest when we arrived because the committees told us that we were late, so we must continue next activities without rest time.

The first day (arrival day) there were many activities that the committees provided for us such as ice breaking. After that they ordered us to group the team by random (by count number 1-3, who count 1 must join in group 1) then we separated into 3 group. After that they ordered us to do a project which related with Law academic. When we heard that we confused about this camp because they told us that this camp was provided for training staffs for the Study trip event but why they ordered us to do like that. They told us that they wanted to practiced us to knew and could did all of processes of project because they hoped that we will be next committees, so we could not disputed anything and did the project followed their order. After we finished, we presented our project to them and they gave comments to us. My group did not do well because we could not arrange the processes well so we received a lot of comments to improve our project, so we were very serious.

The second day, they ordered us to repair our problems then my group could apply the comments and did it well so we were very happy. At night there was an election to choose next committees and I could win the votes and I will be head of coordinator of next committees. We came back to university in the next day morning with tired but it was very fun and useful camp.

Monday, February 4, 2008

ALSA meeting

ALSA ABAC provides meeting every month because they want to announce news to the members and also make good relations between members. This month ALSA provided a meeting because there are special event that Japanese law students will come to Thailand for participate in Study Trip event that ALSA ABAC is the host. So this meeting provided for announced this news and found the members who want to be committees of this event.

I am a committee of this meeting so I must come to prepare my job very early but in this event I did not have a lot of works because I am still freshmen, so I must learn from my senior in ALSA. This meeting was provided at Selle d’expo room because we thought that there are many people who want to joy with us so we must used very large room for our meeting.

In the schedule, our meeting will begin at 9.00 a.m. but we told everyone that it will begin at 8.00 a.m. because we did not want anyone came late. I came to this room at 7.00 a.m. because all of committees must came to prepare before the meeting began. When we finished our preparation such as ice-breaking activities, impressive photo from Malaysia, etc. then I looked at my watch, it was 8 o’clock. So we must went to in front of the room for waited other person who wanted to join with us. Thirty minutes left. An hour left. It was 9 o’clock, it was a beginning time follow the schedule but when I looked in the room. Oh! There are only 3 persons who came to join with us. What happen with this activity? This activity’s sound very exciting but why there were a few people who participated in this event. So we could do only one thing. Just waited and waited. We could not do anymore.

When it was 10 o’clock, there were 22 people who came to participated with us (actually there were 40 person who wanted to join with us) but we must began the activity because it’s very late. We deleted ice-breaking out from our schedule because we did not have time to do it. So we began with other activities.

After everyone went inside the room. P’Mick, the president of ALSA came to greet with us and he began to introduce ALSA ABAC profiles. After that he told us to divide into group and he gave topic to us for discussed. The topic was “Do you agree with Death penalty”. Wow! This topic was very easy to me because I already discussed this topic since I learnt in the first semester, so I should showed my opinion very well. But at that time I had some problems with my close friend so I could not focus to my job then I could not do my job well.

After we finished the discussion, P’Mick began to tell about Study Trip event. He told everything that freshmen of this club should know. Next he ordered me to share my experiences to my friends (he did not told me before). Oh! How could I do. I thought I could not do it well but could not avoid this duty so I spoke like a robot. No smile, no laugh and no one understand! I thought I did very bad performance but P’Mick did not blame me because he knew about my problems. After that I could clear my problem and did other parts well.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

My time in airport

ALSA has many activities in each year. For example Study Trip, Forum, Conference, etc. these activities provide for every person who is member of ALSA in each country. If anyone wants to join or participate in these activities, they must pass many interviews to be delegates. I had a chance of it too. I went to forum trip in Korea (the first semester). But before I had this chance. I must tried a lot to get this chance despite I did not confident about myself. I must passed two round of interview for went to Korea. The first round I must passed the interview of committee of ALSA ABAC. The second round I must passed the interview of teacher and the president of ALSA ABAC (P’Mick). So I must try so much for got this chance and finally I could pass all of the interview and became a delegate of Thailand to go to forum in Korea.

About this trip when I went to airport, no one came to sent me to a plane because at that time I did not have close friends and my parent live far for me and it was very difficult if she wanted to come because my mom cannot drive, so I was a lonely boy. Not only me but also other delegates from Chulalongkorn University and Assumotion University. They did not have friends that came to sent them too (but their parents came)

This semester ALSA also had activity too. This trip was conference trip. This trip was provided at Malaysia. Of course it was a chance that I could receive too (if I can pass the interview) but I did not interest this trip because I heard that if who already went to other countries in delegate position. They will have less chance than other person if they want to go to next trip (actually it was not like that but at that time I did not know the fact) and at first I thought if I passed the interview alone, I will be a lonely boy again. So I did not join the interview but many of my friends came to interview. After that ALSA announce the result of interview. In the list, there are six freshmen and eight senior of ALSA ABAC (but when I want to Korea, there are only five seats for delegates of ABAC. Oh! A lot of difference). All of six freshmen that could passed the interview are my friends: Cake (very very very close friend), Bank (my roommate), Joy, Arm (junior), Arm (Afro) and Nick. So when I knew these names, I wanted to join with them too but it’s too late. I wanted to join with them because I thought I will not alone in this trip. When they went to airport, a lot people came to sent them because many of their parents came to sent them. I also came to airport because I came to sent Joy, Arm and especially Cake. When I saw many people came to airport, I felt slight but not much because I compared with my case.

I also went to airport again when they came back to Thailand. At first they told me that they will came back at 9.30 p.m. so I came to the airport since 9.oo p.m.and wait for them. But when 9.40 p.m. I did not see them then I looked at the arrive time board. Then there is the word “Delay” so it meant that I must wait for them again but I did not worry because I used this time to shopping at the airport but I did not went to shopping at brand name shop I went to “family mart”. And finally they came back at 1.30 p.m. Oh! It’s a long time but I did not worry because I thought I can use the time to observe the airport.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Winner of public speaking

ALSA ABAC is the organization that provides for law students who want to improve their skill about knowledge and characteristic. ALSA has many main activities that every law students can joy such as Forum, Conference and Study Trip. These activities will upgrade the knowledge of delegates. Not only main activities which upgrade the knowledge but also sub activities that ALSA ABAC provides for develop members’ characteristics. ALSA ABAC provides these activities every year and this year ALSA provides activity name “Public Speaking” for develop members’ public speaking skill.

I am a committee of ALSA ABAC who did in MC position (MC again and again) I was chosen by P’ Mick the president of ALSA ABAC. I did not know why he chose me but I thought may be he knew that I used to do in this position (so it’s the reason why you see the story of MC in my blog again) so this duty did not make a lot of problem to me. I thought I could do it well. My partner in this position is Cake. We did together again (we used to do together in Youth Guide of Exhibition for The King) so it was very easy to communicate with her. But we had the biggest problem was this duty we did the first time in this university and we did not know anything (sequences, agenda, special guest, souvenirs, etc.) so we must had a senior who came to tutor us but no one came to help us because each one had many duties to do in each position so we must found by ourselves but we could found only agenda of this activities so we must prepared in our way and finally it finished before the activities began (30 minutes)

When the activities began, we could do well. Right place. Right sequences. Right persons and Right time but I thought it was not perfect because it was the first time of us. Some of audiences told us that we looked nervous and serious so we could not did this position in natural characteristic but almost audiences congratulation to us that we did well (actually Cake did better that me because I thought I was serious only but cake did not). When the morning part finished, we followed other committee to have lunch because it was easy, quick and FREE!!! (Especially the last reason) ^_^

When we came back to hall of fame for began the afternoon part, actually we must did n MC position again but P’ Mick told us that every freshmen must joined in this part. In this part every body must showed their public speaking ability by spoke followed a random topic that we did not know it before. I received the topic “Do you agree with death penalty?” Oh! It‘s very easy to me because I used to answer it in the first semester (A time to kill) so I could did my public speaking well and finally I took the first place of public speaking competition and receive 5oo baht and books from special quests. (But I used this money to pay my bill in the evening. Oh! Very short time income)

Saturday, December 15, 2007

The second round of interview to be MC

When I heard from the committees of interview to be MC of Word Debate Championship 2007 that I passed the first round of interview. It meant that I must prepared and practiced myself again and of course that I must practiced for the second round more than the first round. Normally when I knew I passed some interviews and knew that there are other round which I must passed, I will prepare myself for next round for a long time but this round of interview I had a little time to prepared my script and myself because the committees told me about the next round of interview a day before interview day. Oh! I had only on day to prepare my script despite this round is very difficult. How I did it well?

This condition of this round was changed. The committees told me that this round I could not pick the case that I wanted. They told me that I must prepared every parts of this event because they will random the case to us. (I could picked the part that I wanted in the first round but this round I could not) it meant that I must prepare a lot of detail of this event. Oh! Only one day with all of detail of this event so I knew that I could not passed this round sure.

Actually I should had more time to prepare myself but the committees could not contact me because at that time I still worked in the exhibition for the king so I knew about the next round of interview later that other people and it’s the reason that why I had a little time to prepare myself.

When the interview day came, I went to the interview place without my self confident because I thought that I could not passed this round sure. At first I thought I will not come to interview but I came because I wanted to show my spirit and wanted to show that I did not avoid the problems (despite I did not confident). When the committees came, they random a partner to me. Her name is Pang. She is a pretty girl and older than me. I knew her because she was a member of AP club too but I could not prepared my script with her because she went to take her exam and will came back in the afternoon so we have to interview the last group. Arrr… I was very worry because the committees told me that “More chance to prepare more emergency case that I must face” they said that I was a last group so I had more time than other group (oh! they did not know the fact)

Finally pang came so we began the interview. The committees selected Woman night part to us. Oh! No! Woman night how I could did it? I am not a woman and I did not have any information of this part but Pang told me that she could did it in Thai version so I must followed her and translated information to English version (despite I a very weak for my English skill) when we presented, the committees gave emergency case to us about 6 cases (a lot) but we could did it. I did not know the result of it but I thought we did it well.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Exhibition for the king (first round)

There are exhibition for the king that provide for every people who want to see the profile, duties and honors of the king of Thailand. This exhibition began in 4 parts of Thailand. There are Chiengmai, Chonburi, Songkhla and Khonkan. Songkhla and Khonkan began this exhibition first. It began on 1-8 November. Chiengmai and Chonburi began on 16-25 November. In these exhibitions, there are many youth registered to be “Youth Guide of Exhibition for The King” and sure, I was one. I passed the interview to be a youth guide so I must read and remembered a lot of document of the king because if I cannot remember it, I cannot do this position. I practiced and tried to remember it for a long time and finally I can did it.

When I went to the first meeting of the youth guide (before exhibition began). This meeting provided for separated youths to work in the part that they wanted. I chose Chonburi because it near my home and this university so I can went to it easily but when I knew the place that used for the exhibition, I did not know that place. That place name “Indoor Stadium Pattaya” Oh! Pattaya. I rarely go to Pattaya so how I knew this place. Not only me but also my friends too. So I must did in this position in that place by I did not know where is it despite I have a house in Chonburi but I did not mind about it.

When the exhibition day came. I went to Pattaya with my close friend name “Cake” (freshmen in faculty of Law of ABAC) and other friends from many universities. We must followed Cake because she knew the place that provided the exhibition. When we reached Pattaya. We saw many things that organizer provided for us such as hotel, white suits, meals for our comfortable. We stay in hotel name “Bralee house” that near the exhibition place (and near shop too) so we can went to exhibition hall easily.

About my duties in this position, I was a youth guide who presented the profile, duties and honors of the king but my duties did not presented all of it. I presented only profile of the king such as where he was born, where he lived when he was young, how old is he when he accessed to the throne and many things about his profile not only his profile but also his lover profile because there is a king’s lover zone in this exhibition too. But in this first round I spend most of my time with profile of the king only and I will tell you about some king profile. Our king’s name is “Phumipon” (I don’t show the full name because it’s very long, about 3 lines). He was born in America after that he and his family came back to Thailand. He stayed in Thailand for 5 years and went to Switzerland because his older brother was weak. When he was 8 years old, his older brother accessed to the throne after that our kind accessed to the throne when he was 18 years old because his older brother died and this is the summary of the king’s profile. If you want to know it more you can go to visit in Pattaya or you can go in second round at Impact Muengthongthanee on 1-10 December and you will know our king better.