Thursday, December 6, 2007

Exhibition for the king (first round)

There are exhibition for the king that provide for every people who want to see the profile, duties and honors of the king of Thailand. This exhibition began in 4 parts of Thailand. There are Chiengmai, Chonburi, Songkhla and Khonkan. Songkhla and Khonkan began this exhibition first. It began on 1-8 November. Chiengmai and Chonburi began on 16-25 November. In these exhibitions, there are many youth registered to be “Youth Guide of Exhibition for The King” and sure, I was one. I passed the interview to be a youth guide so I must read and remembered a lot of document of the king because if I cannot remember it, I cannot do this position. I practiced and tried to remember it for a long time and finally I can did it.

When I went to the first meeting of the youth guide (before exhibition began). This meeting provided for separated youths to work in the part that they wanted. I chose Chonburi because it near my home and this university so I can went to it easily but when I knew the place that used for the exhibition, I did not know that place. That place name “Indoor Stadium Pattaya” Oh! Pattaya. I rarely go to Pattaya so how I knew this place. Not only me but also my friends too. So I must did in this position in that place by I did not know where is it despite I have a house in Chonburi but I did not mind about it.

When the exhibition day came. I went to Pattaya with my close friend name “Cake” (freshmen in faculty of Law of ABAC) and other friends from many universities. We must followed Cake because she knew the place that provided the exhibition. When we reached Pattaya. We saw many things that organizer provided for us such as hotel, white suits, meals for our comfortable. We stay in hotel name “Bralee house” that near the exhibition place (and near shop too) so we can went to exhibition hall easily.

About my duties in this position, I was a youth guide who presented the profile, duties and honors of the king but my duties did not presented all of it. I presented only profile of the king such as where he was born, where he lived when he was young, how old is he when he accessed to the throne and many things about his profile not only his profile but also his lover profile because there is a king’s lover zone in this exhibition too. But in this first round I spend most of my time with profile of the king only and I will tell you about some king profile. Our king’s name is “Phumipon” (I don’t show the full name because it’s very long, about 3 lines). He was born in America after that he and his family came back to Thailand. He stayed in Thailand for 5 years and went to Switzerland because his older brother was weak. When he was 8 years old, his older brother accessed to the throne after that our kind accessed to the throne when he was 18 years old because his older brother died and this is the summary of the king’s profile. If you want to know it more you can go to visit in Pattaya or you can go in second round at Impact Muengthongthanee on 1-10 December and you will know our king better.

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