Saturday, December 15, 2007

The second round of interview to be MC

When I heard from the committees of interview to be MC of Word Debate Championship 2007 that I passed the first round of interview. It meant that I must prepared and practiced myself again and of course that I must practiced for the second round more than the first round. Normally when I knew I passed some interviews and knew that there are other round which I must passed, I will prepare myself for next round for a long time but this round of interview I had a little time to prepared my script and myself because the committees told me about the next round of interview a day before interview day. Oh! I had only on day to prepare my script despite this round is very difficult. How I did it well?

This condition of this round was changed. The committees told me that this round I could not pick the case that I wanted. They told me that I must prepared every parts of this event because they will random the case to us. (I could picked the part that I wanted in the first round but this round I could not) it meant that I must prepare a lot of detail of this event. Oh! Only one day with all of detail of this event so I knew that I could not passed this round sure.

Actually I should had more time to prepare myself but the committees could not contact me because at that time I still worked in the exhibition for the king so I knew about the next round of interview later that other people and it’s the reason that why I had a little time to prepare myself.

When the interview day came, I went to the interview place without my self confident because I thought that I could not passed this round sure. At first I thought I will not come to interview but I came because I wanted to show my spirit and wanted to show that I did not avoid the problems (despite I did not confident). When the committees came, they random a partner to me. Her name is Pang. She is a pretty girl and older than me. I knew her because she was a member of AP club too but I could not prepared my script with her because she went to take her exam and will came back in the afternoon so we have to interview the last group. Arrr… I was very worry because the committees told me that “More chance to prepare more emergency case that I must face” they said that I was a last group so I had more time than other group (oh! they did not know the fact)

Finally pang came so we began the interview. The committees selected Woman night part to us. Oh! No! Woman night how I could did it? I am not a woman and I did not have any information of this part but Pang told me that she could did it in Thai version so I must followed her and translated information to English version (despite I a very weak for my English skill) when we presented, the committees gave emergency case to us about 6 cases (a lot) but we could did it. I did not know the result of it but I thought we did it well.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Exhibition for the king (first round)

There are exhibition for the king that provide for every people who want to see the profile, duties and honors of the king of Thailand. This exhibition began in 4 parts of Thailand. There are Chiengmai, Chonburi, Songkhla and Khonkan. Songkhla and Khonkan began this exhibition first. It began on 1-8 November. Chiengmai and Chonburi began on 16-25 November. In these exhibitions, there are many youth registered to be “Youth Guide of Exhibition for The King” and sure, I was one. I passed the interview to be a youth guide so I must read and remembered a lot of document of the king because if I cannot remember it, I cannot do this position. I practiced and tried to remember it for a long time and finally I can did it.

When I went to the first meeting of the youth guide (before exhibition began). This meeting provided for separated youths to work in the part that they wanted. I chose Chonburi because it near my home and this university so I can went to it easily but when I knew the place that used for the exhibition, I did not know that place. That place name “Indoor Stadium Pattaya” Oh! Pattaya. I rarely go to Pattaya so how I knew this place. Not only me but also my friends too. So I must did in this position in that place by I did not know where is it despite I have a house in Chonburi but I did not mind about it.

When the exhibition day came. I went to Pattaya with my close friend name “Cake” (freshmen in faculty of Law of ABAC) and other friends from many universities. We must followed Cake because she knew the place that provided the exhibition. When we reached Pattaya. We saw many things that organizer provided for us such as hotel, white suits, meals for our comfortable. We stay in hotel name “Bralee house” that near the exhibition place (and near shop too) so we can went to exhibition hall easily.

About my duties in this position, I was a youth guide who presented the profile, duties and honors of the king but my duties did not presented all of it. I presented only profile of the king such as where he was born, where he lived when he was young, how old is he when he accessed to the throne and many things about his profile not only his profile but also his lover profile because there is a king’s lover zone in this exhibition too. But in this first round I spend most of my time with profile of the king only and I will tell you about some king profile. Our king’s name is “Phumipon” (I don’t show the full name because it’s very long, about 3 lines). He was born in America after that he and his family came back to Thailand. He stayed in Thailand for 5 years and went to Switzerland because his older brother was weak. When he was 8 years old, his older brother accessed to the throne after that our kind accessed to the throne when he was 18 years old because his older brother died and this is the summary of the king’s profile. If you want to know it more you can go to visit in Pattaya or you can go in second round at Impact Muengthongthanee on 1-10 December and you will know our king better.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

The first chance of university’s MC

After I finished AP club’s camp “AP track 3 MC”. I think I can improve my skill in MC position because this camp taught me a lot about how to be good MC? How did MC control audience? and taught me many things that helped me to improve myself and my skill. In this camp there are many seniors students in this university such as P’Buen, P’Jim, P’Ton, P’Bell, P’Fha etc. who came to helped and practice ourselves but no one from Faculty of Law. Despite the head of this project has a younger sister in Faculty of Law, I were only one from this faculty. But I did not mind because normally almost camp that I was joined, I was only one from my old school because I were a representative of my old school so I did not worried about it because I wanted to find new friends too.

After camp finished, I watched television in different way. No! it did not mean that I did not use eyes to watched. I still used my eyes but normally when I watch TV, I will interest the details that reporter present only. But when I came back from the camp and went to watch TV in my hostel, I ignored the details of it but I interested and considered of their performance only and it was a way that I brought to practice myself.

Normally person who graduated or finished studied something, they will try to test their new ability because they wanted to proud the improvement of their skill and sure! Me too. I tried to find the way that tested my skill until I heard that there is interview to be MC of Loikratong ceremony in ABAC University so I registered it immediately and accept to interview to be MC too. After that I used a little time to prepare my script because at that time I had many duties to do inside and outside university so I cannot prepare my script well. When the interview day came. I went to interview and met some friends from AP club because they came to interview too.

This event divides into 2 stages: stage of C building (formal in English version) and stage of M building (informal in Thai version) so I chose C building because I like formal more than informal. When they began to interview, the committee asked me to introduce myself in Thai and English version and they supposed emergency situation to me. They supposed that if next show was not ready how I should do. Of course I could answer them because I already tested this situation in AP club’s camp. And finally they told me that I passed the interview and I will be MC of C building in English version but I must rejected it because I had other duty before I knew the result of this interview . That duty was “Youth Guide of Exhibition for The King” so this is my first chance but I could not receive it to test my skill.

Interview AP Club Camp “AP Track 3 MC”

Actually I don’t interest any club in this university because I have many activities to do outside the university so when club registered day came, I avoided to walk near their boots because I didn’t want someone came to persuade me to join their club so I didn’t join any club at that time until Pang (my friend who study Law same me) persuaded me to go to interview of AP club and interviewed to be MC because she knew that I did in MC position many times when I studied in my old school so she guessed that may be I interested to be MC of university or wanted to practice myself. She was true! so I accepted immediately. She looked happy and told me that I must interview for went to camp Then I scared because I didn’t know about this club before and I didn’t register in this club yet so how can I went to interview but Pang told me that she is a younger sister of P’Buen who is head of this project so I can went to interview (yeah!) but she wasn’t sure that I will pass or not. After that she told me to go to room C102 for interviewed and I followed by her speech.

When I reached to that room, I had a little stress because I unprepared about my script for interview and when the last person who came to interview finished then it’s my turn. At that time many stress ran to kick my brain. Ahh I wanted to go back my home but before I thought about it more, P’Buen came to call me to interview. OH! I wanted to die. I tried to gather my mind and followed P’Buen, when I reached to podium. The referees began record my performance and started to ask me. At that time I though it’s very long time but when I watched my watch, it is only 15 minutes pass (Arr,..I will cried) until they asked me about 30 minutes, they told that they will ask me a last question (Yeah!) then they gave me three words and ordered me to made up a story that related with these words. These words are Kobu (no has meaning of it), hair rubber band and Yedped (the word when you swear in Thai) OH! God, Buddha, Allah who can help me. I never did like this but I must tell the story to them in 2 minute. They allowed me to think about it as long as I wanted but when 2 minutes pass, I can did it.

I began my story with the main character; his name is Kobu (hahaha! I used it yet). He was a famous engineer in the wonderful country. His life was very simple until he lost the way. He reached to a town that he never came. He had a little money so he tried to survive himself by change his career to merchant because he noticed that everybody’s hair was untidy so he chose to sell hair rubber band. This job made a lot of money for him but one day, after he prepared his goods then his goods was lost and he cannot found it then he swear “yedped” and went to prepared new goods again… The end. When I finish it they laugh and grab their hands and told me that I pass the interview and I can join with their camp.

The first round interview to be MC

Do not confuse, do not ask when you see this title of my block. I know that most of visitor who read my block may be confused with my title and have many questions to ask me such as “what is MC”, “why I must interview” or “how many round of this interview”
At first I will explain you about my title. What is MC? MC is master of ceremony who control and manage every processes on the stage. This position is very smart and difficult to be so if anyone wants to be MC, you must have response and practice yourself a lot to speak and control every process on the stage well. I am one who would like to be MC too because I think it is very smart and if I were MC I will gain many experience to improve my skill too. Normally when you want to be MC of some events. You must pass the interview for check that you fit for those events or not. Most of events have only one round for interview but this event is not a normal event. It is international event. Yes! This event is world debate championship 2007 so there are 2 rounds of interview that I must pass and it mean that I must have practice more.
The condition of this interview is I must pass two rounds of interview if I want to be MC of this event. The referee gave freedom to us for chose the part of this event that I wanted to interview. This event has 7 parts such as pre opening, grand opening, comedy night, women night, break night, championship night and farewell party. Almost of parts are informal processes except pre opening and grand opening but pre opening is very hard for my level because MC in this part must take care debater who tired from their travel (so they do not want to join party but MC must use their ability to persuade debater to join). So I chose grand opening because it is the easiest part and fit for my level.
I prepared details for this part for 2 days until I was sure that I will do it well. When the interview day came. I went to interview very early so the referee chose me to interview first. They told me that “do not serious”, “do not worry” (I did not know why they tried to relax me. May be my face looked so serious). They began the interview by ordered me to introduce and told everything about myself. After that they ordered me to begin every process of my part by myself. Oh! It is very hard for me but I can passed it followed my script. While I was speaking, they turn off the lights because they supposed that there is emergency situation but it was not a problem for me because I already prepared it too. So I can pass it and did it well. When I finished my presentation, commentators told me that I passed the first round because I can controlled it well but I still had problems that I must change it if I want to pass next round too so I must have a lot of practice for next round too.