Sunday, December 2, 2007

The first chance of university’s MC

After I finished AP club’s camp “AP track 3 MC”. I think I can improve my skill in MC position because this camp taught me a lot about how to be good MC? How did MC control audience? and taught me many things that helped me to improve myself and my skill. In this camp there are many seniors students in this university such as P’Buen, P’Jim, P’Ton, P’Bell, P’Fha etc. who came to helped and practice ourselves but no one from Faculty of Law. Despite the head of this project has a younger sister in Faculty of Law, I were only one from this faculty. But I did not mind because normally almost camp that I was joined, I was only one from my old school because I were a representative of my old school so I did not worried about it because I wanted to find new friends too.

After camp finished, I watched television in different way. No! it did not mean that I did not use eyes to watched. I still used my eyes but normally when I watch TV, I will interest the details that reporter present only. But when I came back from the camp and went to watch TV in my hostel, I ignored the details of it but I interested and considered of their performance only and it was a way that I brought to practice myself.

Normally person who graduated or finished studied something, they will try to test their new ability because they wanted to proud the improvement of their skill and sure! Me too. I tried to find the way that tested my skill until I heard that there is interview to be MC of Loikratong ceremony in ABAC University so I registered it immediately and accept to interview to be MC too. After that I used a little time to prepare my script because at that time I had many duties to do inside and outside university so I cannot prepare my script well. When the interview day came. I went to interview and met some friends from AP club because they came to interview too.

This event divides into 2 stages: stage of C building (formal in English version) and stage of M building (informal in Thai version) so I chose C building because I like formal more than informal. When they began to interview, the committee asked me to introduce myself in Thai and English version and they supposed emergency situation to me. They supposed that if next show was not ready how I should do. Of course I could answer them because I already tested this situation in AP club’s camp. And finally they told me that I passed the interview and I will be MC of C building in English version but I must rejected it because I had other duty before I knew the result of this interview . That duty was “Youth Guide of Exhibition for The King” so this is my first chance but I could not receive it to test my skill.

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