Sunday, December 2, 2007

The first round interview to be MC

Do not confuse, do not ask when you see this title of my block. I know that most of visitor who read my block may be confused with my title and have many questions to ask me such as “what is MC”, “why I must interview” or “how many round of this interview”
At first I will explain you about my title. What is MC? MC is master of ceremony who control and manage every processes on the stage. This position is very smart and difficult to be so if anyone wants to be MC, you must have response and practice yourself a lot to speak and control every process on the stage well. I am one who would like to be MC too because I think it is very smart and if I were MC I will gain many experience to improve my skill too. Normally when you want to be MC of some events. You must pass the interview for check that you fit for those events or not. Most of events have only one round for interview but this event is not a normal event. It is international event. Yes! This event is world debate championship 2007 so there are 2 rounds of interview that I must pass and it mean that I must have practice more.
The condition of this interview is I must pass two rounds of interview if I want to be MC of this event. The referee gave freedom to us for chose the part of this event that I wanted to interview. This event has 7 parts such as pre opening, grand opening, comedy night, women night, break night, championship night and farewell party. Almost of parts are informal processes except pre opening and grand opening but pre opening is very hard for my level because MC in this part must take care debater who tired from their travel (so they do not want to join party but MC must use their ability to persuade debater to join). So I chose grand opening because it is the easiest part and fit for my level.
I prepared details for this part for 2 days until I was sure that I will do it well. When the interview day came. I went to interview very early so the referee chose me to interview first. They told me that “do not serious”, “do not worry” (I did not know why they tried to relax me. May be my face looked so serious). They began the interview by ordered me to introduce and told everything about myself. After that they ordered me to begin every process of my part by myself. Oh! It is very hard for me but I can passed it followed my script. While I was speaking, they turn off the lights because they supposed that there is emergency situation but it was not a problem for me because I already prepared it too. So I can pass it and did it well. When I finished my presentation, commentators told me that I passed the first round because I can controlled it well but I still had problems that I must change it if I want to pass next round too so I must have a lot of practice for next round too.

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