Sunday, December 2, 2007

Interview AP Club Camp “AP Track 3 MC”

Actually I don’t interest any club in this university because I have many activities to do outside the university so when club registered day came, I avoided to walk near their boots because I didn’t want someone came to persuade me to join their club so I didn’t join any club at that time until Pang (my friend who study Law same me) persuaded me to go to interview of AP club and interviewed to be MC because she knew that I did in MC position many times when I studied in my old school so she guessed that may be I interested to be MC of university or wanted to practice myself. She was true! so I accepted immediately. She looked happy and told me that I must interview for went to camp Then I scared because I didn’t know about this club before and I didn’t register in this club yet so how can I went to interview but Pang told me that she is a younger sister of P’Buen who is head of this project so I can went to interview (yeah!) but she wasn’t sure that I will pass or not. After that she told me to go to room C102 for interviewed and I followed by her speech.

When I reached to that room, I had a little stress because I unprepared about my script for interview and when the last person who came to interview finished then it’s my turn. At that time many stress ran to kick my brain. Ahh I wanted to go back my home but before I thought about it more, P’Buen came to call me to interview. OH! I wanted to die. I tried to gather my mind and followed P’Buen, when I reached to podium. The referees began record my performance and started to ask me. At that time I though it’s very long time but when I watched my watch, it is only 15 minutes pass (Arr,..I will cried) until they asked me about 30 minutes, they told that they will ask me a last question (Yeah!) then they gave me three words and ordered me to made up a story that related with these words. These words are Kobu (no has meaning of it), hair rubber band and Yedped (the word when you swear in Thai) OH! God, Buddha, Allah who can help me. I never did like this but I must tell the story to them in 2 minute. They allowed me to think about it as long as I wanted but when 2 minutes pass, I can did it.

I began my story with the main character; his name is Kobu (hahaha! I used it yet). He was a famous engineer in the wonderful country. His life was very simple until he lost the way. He reached to a town that he never came. He had a little money so he tried to survive himself by change his career to merchant because he noticed that everybody’s hair was untidy so he chose to sell hair rubber band. This job made a lot of money for him but one day, after he prepared his goods then his goods was lost and he cannot found it then he swear “yedped” and went to prepared new goods again… The end. When I finish it they laugh and grab their hands and told me that I pass the interview and I can join with their camp.

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